Sunday 5 September 2010

RESEARCH: Second video deconstruction, Lostprophets - A Town called Hypocrisy

The second video ive looked at is A Town Called Hypocrisy by Lostprophets. Like the first video it is also a rock/metal video.

Genre Characteristics - Rock or metal Videos tend to have the band playing infront of the camera, with some sort of background related to whats going on in the rest of the video and then have a separate section of the video that tells a story, usually related to the lyrics.

What is the relationship between the lyrics and the video? - The songs lyrics talk about how people are hypocritical and the video shows exactly that, it shows the band as the presenters of a children's TV show teaching kids to share and be nice people, saying please and thank you. But it then also shows the band at a party after filming with the crew and people in the TV programme doing everything that they teach kids not to do through the programme and are therefore being hypocritical

What is the relationship between the music and the video? - The music for the song is quite cheery and upbeat, and so is the video, everyone seems to be having fun and a party, but the video is also a bit tongue in cheek in the same way the music is.

Are there close ups of the artist and star image motifs? - Yes, like the previous video there is alot of shots of the band playing, but then also in the parts of the video that tell the story the band stars as the people who are in the TV show.

Is there a reference to the notion of looking? - Yes, a large one, the entire video is set as though you are watching a TV programme for kids. There is also a section that is done entirely through looking through a telescope.

Are there intertextual references? - I cant think of any.

Is it performance based, narrative based or concept based? - I would say that it is largely concept based because it is all based around the concept that everyone is hypocritical and it shows that noone is perfect, even the people who present TV shows to kids.

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