Monday 20 September 2010

RESEARCH: A Beautiful Lie - Digipack Deconstruction

This is my second deconstruction of a digipack, this one is for Thirty Seconds To Mars's album, A Beautiful Lie.

The front cover of the album is white with the Thirty Seconds To Mars logo down the left hand side, then on the right hand side there is an image with some skulls and " A Beautiful Lie" written on it. The skulls are very typical of the genre of music that the album is and are the kinds of things people would expect to see on a rock album.

The inside of the booklet has double pages, one which has a picture of a band member and the other has the lyrics from a song/ a few songs. It is all very red and black with the band members looking very pasty. It is very stereotypical idea of what people who listen to that kind of music look like.

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