Sunday 5 September 2010

RESEARCH: First Video Deconstruction, Skillet - Monster

The first video in deconstructing is Monster by Skillet, it is Rock/Metal Video.

You can watch it here - (i couldnt embed it because it was disabled)

Genre Characteristics - Rock or metal Videos tend to have the band playing infront of the camera, with some sort of background related to whats going on in the rest of the video and then have a separate section of the video that tells a story, usually related to the lyrics.

What is the relationship between the lyrics and the visuals? - In the video the lyrics talk about how he feels like a monster and that it is breaking out from inside of him. In the section of the video that's telling the story, he is in a lab and the people are treating him like he is a monster and experimenting on him. He then escapes, or breaks out, and they treat him even more like a monster by sending men with guns after him.

What is the relationship between the music and the visuals? - The music is very fast paced and this is shown in the video by lots of very short cuts and scenes. The video also tries to show how loud it is by at points when watching the band, making the camera shake and judder.

Are there close ups of the artist and star image motifs? - Yes, a lot of the video is the band playing the song to the camera, but also the characters in the story telling section of the video are played by members of the band.

Is there a reference to the notion of looking? - A little, when the band is playing to the camera you are always looking at them through a pane of glass that's supposed to be a window, like in films when people are in interrogation rooms and police can see in, but the people inside cant see out.

Are there intertextual references? - I think that there is a slight reference to Frankenstein, as the monster is created by these people, and then it escapes so they try to kill it.

Is it performance based, narrative based or concept based? - I would say that it is about 50% performance and 50% narrative based. As a lot of the time you are just watching the band perform, but then alot of the time you are also watching the story section of the video.

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