Sunday 13 February 2011


I constructed the advert using adobe photoshop. The page layout is A4 portrait (210mmx297mm) set for print at 300 dpi.

The advert is based on lots of adverts i found through my research in music magazines of the same genre.

Here is an example of the look i was going for.

To create the background I took the studio setting used in the video, inverted the colours in photoshop, and added a deep blue/purple tint to it.

I then added images of the band to the top half of the page and inverted the colours of the drummer to give him a colour negative appearance.

I then added the ‘The Rhinos’ band logo and the ‘Uncaged’ album name to the central portion of the image. Shrinking the ‘the’ to make the logo look more balanced.

Because the Text didn’t stand out enough, I applied layer effects to the text to re-colour it and put an outline around it.

I then pasted an image of the cd cover onto the bottom left hand corner of the page, tilting it slightly to make it look more interesting, and using a layer effect to put a red outline around it to make it stand out.

Finally, I added the sales text to the bottom right of the page, colouring it using layer effects

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