Sunday 23 January 2011


I decided to use 3ds Max as a means to animate the video because it has fast and flexible animation tools.

Firstly I had to create some image files to apply to polygons.

I cut up the image of the band members so they could be used as a texture map in 3ds Max

Then I created an opacity map. This is used in 3ds Max to decide which bits of a texture map is transparent, and which is opaque

I then imported the image files into Max and applied them as a material to the polygons

Then I manipulated the polygons to build the band members and backdrop.

After that, I grouped the bits of the band members into an animation hierarchy and moved the pivot points so things would animate properly.

I then animated each band member strumming and dancing to the beat. At this stage the animations were too regular to be convincing, so I deleted keyframes at various points to make the animation more organic.

I then did several single frame test renders using a default lighting rig. This was to make sure the render wasn’t going to be too light, or too dark.

I then rendered each verse and each chorus as an uncompressed avi at 576x768 resolution (standard PAL definition).

Verse 1 - Changes from the original plan

Originally, I was going to have the whole band performing on each verse, but then decided to introduce. The biscuit-head singer on his own. In the first verse I had the singer performing with the camera gradually zooming to a close up.

Verse 2- Changes from the original plan

Verse 2 has all the band members on screen. Similar to the first verse, the camera slowly zooms in on the band over the course of the animation.

Verse 3 – Changes from the original plan

There’s a 10 second instrumental break at the start of the last verse. To make this more interesting, I cut some of the images I use during the choruses into the band performance by animating the visibility of polygons in 3ds Max. Also to add variety, I sourced a fractal picture off the web, and changed the colours in photoshop. I had this image fading in and rotating in the second half of the verse.


I filmed all the choruses, and then decided to superimpose the band members over the top of the video. I did this by using the live action movie footage as a texture on the background polygon in 3ds Max.

In the first chorus only the Singer appears

In the second chorus, only the Fox headed bass player appears

In the third chorus the entire band appear.

Once all the sequences were rendered as avi’s, I imported them into adobe premiere dubbed the music track in, and edited the sequences together so they gelled.